May 2024
The last defense against a world of disorder
As an engineer, it’s especially easy to fall into a trap thinking that technical expertise will carry you for eternity. But because most people can’t even predict tomorrow’s forecast, I highly value adaptability. Transferable skills ground you towards your inner principles even during ever-changing and tumultuous times. What are some useful transferable skills? The most important ones are easily quoted, but rarely executed. An obvious one for an engineer would be critical thinking and problem solving.
2 minutes
October 2023
An Approach to CS Resumes
Why we write resumes 📝 A resume is a written pitch. It contains the most impressive accomplishments of your life and is often written to sell your services to someone else. Just like how the length of an elevator pitch1 varies depending on whether you’re going to the top floor or the second floor, I think that a resume needs to cater to three different audiences as well. The 10 second resume ⏱️ In a world where 1200 other people compete for eyes on their resume2, you need your resume to stand out from others in a span of 10 seconds.
2 minutes